Month: November 2008

  • Thanksgiving: leftovers, unheated, Black Friday

    Thanksgiving dinner was of course delicious. Turkey (done the dry salted way, not the brine) which was very good, squash soup, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, salad, green beans, home made cherry pie, home made apple pie, and a bunch of other stuff. I got calls from all my brothers, and we Skyped with Stephanie’s dad…

  • Why is it so hard to blog with a baby crying on your shoulder?

    I admit that we’ve been very derelict in our blogging. I could say that’s because we are spending all of our time taking care of the baby, but that’s not 100% true. Most of the time we are staring at the baby and wondering how in the world it is possible that we made something…

  • Towing Defenses

    I haven't actually been towed from either of these lots, but I've been on the shady side a few times– glad to hear there's some defense for scofflaws such as myself! Of course, when people park in my driveway (not in front of my driveway– IN MY DRIVEWAY)  I have a different tune.  The law…