Month: May 2006

  • Park Hill House Tour -Sunday May 21

    This is something that Stephanie and I have been meaning to go to– to see the houses that are not ours in spectacular states of repair, and lust after all those things in a historic home that we can’t possibly afford, in a neighborhood that is less than a half mile from ours in geography,…

  • Yonkers artist Chris Semergieff

    In between all of the witty and pithy comments on the renovation travails, let’s not forget that part of this blog is to help us discover the beauty that is Yonkers. I found a very good website by Yonkers artist Chris Semergieff (website at that does just that. Chris (and truthfully, I’m not sure…

  • Around the world in 8 days

    As has been usual so far this year, I’ve been flying around the country like a madwoman, with barely enough time to reload my suitcase let alone get anything done in the house. Last week I did a 28-hour trip to Austin (left at 5:00 am on Thursday from NYC, left at 5:00 am on…

  • Weedwhacking The N-word, or "Toto, we’re not in Riverdale (or RI) anymore"

    Stephanie was out of town visiting her folks in Chicago and doing some work at a conference, so I had the house to myself this week (well, if you include the parade of workers that come by here on a semi-regular basis, including the mysteriously named FX, who is a good egg and has proved…

  • Yonkers Recycling Schedule-NOW ONLINE!

    Yonkers is on a every other week recycling schedule– one week it’s paper, the next week it’s mixed media (plastic, glass,metal) It’s confusing to remember– and they have a very cool book, but I am always misplacing it! And the City of Yonkers website has it, but you have to download the whole thing as…

  • Spring is springing (has sprung, done sprang, etc.)

    Things are going a little crazy here. In addition to all of the stuff going on inside– there’s all this green stuff growing on the outside of the house. And apparently somebody has to tame it. And apparently that somebody is me. Considering that our house has a little plot of green among a sea…