I’m really sick of the peas. The first week they were so fresh and springy and we had tons of them – they became a lovely afternoon snack, part of a warm salad, and a dinner side with balsamic vinegar. The second week they were less fresh and less springy and I struggled to steam them and eat them, but I did, mainly as a snack. The third week I have to admit they got yucchy in the fridge and they got tossed out. This is the fourth week of peas, and now they’re old and tired. They’re big and tough and I don’t even want to take the time to snap off the strings. But I’ve put them lovingly into a green bag and into the crisper drawer in the fridge. We’ll see what happens.
This week’s haul:
1 bunch Japanese Hakurei Turnips
1 bunch Red Beets (traded for extra Kale)
1 bunch Siberian Kale
1 bunch Italian Parlsey
1 bunch Scallions
1 Lettuce Head
1/2 lb snap peas
No fruit; strawberry season has come to an early end, unfortunately.

The scallions are particularly beautiful this week – they were too big to fit in the crisper drawer so I hacked off some of the tops. But there’s still plenty to last for a week’s worth of meals, and maybe we’ll grill some this weekend at the beach, too.
Adam is steaming up a bunch of last week’s rainbow chard and this week’s kale with which we’ll create a couple of portable summer salads to take to the beach for the holiday weekend. For the kale I’ll probably do an Asian-style vinaigrette (rice wine vinegar, maybe some mirin or fish sauce, sesame oil) and toss in some sesame seeds. For the chard, I think I’ll chop it and combine it with some red quinoa that Adam cooked for tonight’s dinner as well as some of the scallions. And what the hell, maybe I’ll steam some peas to go in there too.

Here’s hoping for blueberries next week. I think it’s almost time.
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